Fundada em 2013, a Indie Campers é hoje uma das maiores empresas de aluguel de motorhome da Europa e líder no mercado português. A nova identidade pretende refletir o crescimento e maturidade da empresa, alinhando-se com os objetivos de negócio traçados para o futuro, como a expansão para 15 novas cidades em 2020, o aumento de frota e o alargamento da oferta para incluir motas, scooters e carros com tendas de tejadilho.
A confiança na experiência de viagem proporcionada, um dos principais fatores de diferenciação da Indie Campers, ganha expressão na assinatura “The Way to Go”, assim como nas mensagens principais desenvolvidas.
A identidade gráfica inspira-se na ideia de viagem e no movimento do sol ao longo da mesma, indo buscar às diferentes fases do sol as cores para a sua paleta cromática.
Founded in 2013, Indie Campers is today one of the largest motorhome rental companies in Europe and a leader in the Portuguese market. The new identity is intended to reflect the company's growth and maturity, in line with the business goals outlined for the future, such as the expansion to 15 new cities in 2020, the increase in the fleet and the expansion of the offer to include motorcycles, scooters and cars with roof tents.
Confidence in the travel experience provided, one of the main differentiating factors for Indie Campers, is expressed in the “The Way to Go” signature, as well as in the main messages developed.
The graphic identity is inspired by the idea of travel and the movement of the sun along it, fetching the colors for its chromatic palette from the different phases of the sun.
A confiança na experiência de viagem proporcionada, um dos principais fatores de diferenciação da Indie Campers, ganha expressão na assinatura “The Way to Go”, assim como nas mensagens principais desenvolvidas.
A identidade gráfica inspira-se na ideia de viagem e no movimento do sol ao longo da mesma, indo buscar às diferentes fases do sol as cores para a sua paleta cromática.
Founded in 2013, Indie Campers is today one of the largest motorhome rental companies in Europe and a leader in the Portuguese market. The new identity is intended to reflect the company's growth and maturity, in line with the business goals outlined for the future, such as the expansion to 15 new cities in 2020, the increase in the fleet and the expansion of the offer to include motorcycles, scooters and cars with roof tents.
Confidence in the travel experience provided, one of the main differentiating factors for Indie Campers, is expressed in the “The Way to Go” signature, as well as in the main messages developed.
The graphic identity is inspired by the idea of travel and the movement of the sun along it, fetching the colors for its chromatic palette from the different phases of the sun.
Diretor Art director: Mario Mandacaru
Designers Gráficos Graphic Designers: Ana Freitas e Isabel Goulart
Estratégia Strategy: Daniela Valdez
Minha parte: Designer Gráfica Senior
Desdobramento de linguagem gráfica, desenvolvimento de brand book, papelaria, uniformes e novo design dos motohomes.
My Role: Senior Graphic Designer
Deployment of graphic language, development of brand book, stationery, uniforms and new design of motohomes.